In this article, we shall outline the essential and nice-to-follow best practices in Figma to extract the best out of the Cubyts platform. Please note that you can embrace these best practices over time, as you embrace the Cubyts platform.

1. Only use Jira issues or Google/Confluence files referenced in Jira issues for uploading your Figma handoffs and files

  • Currently, Cubyts can only scan through Jira issues or Google files referenced in Jira issues to hunt for Figma files. So encourage your team to streamline the pushing of files directly to the concerned Jira issue.

  • Encourage the use of the Figma-Jira plugin to facilitate this.

2. Update your design system link on Cubyts

  • Some flags unearthed by Cubyts compare your design deliverables to your design system to determine quality or overlaps. This requires the design system file to be updated.

3. Use the ‘Dev-mode’ for delivering handoff or use a synonym for your section/frame name 

  • Cubyts can identify files tagged as ‘dev-mode’ as handoff files, giving you more accurate results. If your team is not using dev mode, the section/file can be given a title that represents a synonym of a handoff eg; Deliverable, Ready file, Handoff Ready, Ready for Dev, etc.


4. Include the issue/module name as an identifier for the Figma deliverable 

  • Cubyts occasionally consolidates data for simplified problem identification. This can lead to frustration for managers when dealing with generic page or section names across files on Cubyts. For instance, when reviewing all Figma files with poor quality in a sprint, names like 'Page 1' or 'Module Handoff' don't provide immediate context.

  • To address this, implement a naming convention protocol for your team members

5. Use the right naming conventions to differentiate between handoff-files and other 
ideation files

  • Ensure that there are no overlapping conventions between a handoff file and other ideation files. For example, use tags like requirements, specifications, ideation, concept, Wireframes, etc. to denote files that are WIP or in phases before handoff. As mentioned before this will help you (the manager) to quickly get to the root of the problem if a file is unearthed as part of a flag.  

6. Ensure your team is aligned on the Design Quality protocols set by Cubyts.

The quality flag judges your Figma deliverables based on 4 key aspects - Design system mapping, documentation on the handoff files, collaboration and file naming consistency. 

To get the best out of this flag;

  • Ensure that you set these configurations in the flag based on your priority, you can even turn off a threshold by giving it a zero value if your team is currently not following the protocol

  • Once the thresholds are set, align your team on the team on the expectation so that they understand the same definition of poor quality