How to set-up Cubyts for Agile rituals? Print

Modified on: Wed, 11 Sep, 2024 at 4:00 AM

In this article, learn how to effectively incorporate Cubyts into your agile rituals like the daily stand-ups, sprint planning, retrospectives, and stakeholder reviews. These recommendations will help you optimize your processes and get the most out of Cubyts over time. 

Basic Set-up

  1. Set-up the workspace, integrate with relevant tools and set-up tool specific configurations for Flags & Reports.

  2. Assign the right roles to team members in the workspace:

    • Add Scrum masters and engineering managers as Admins on the platform.

    • Add leads as Editors on the platform.

    • Add developers/testers as viewers on the platform.

  3. Setting up Flags: Use groups, filters, and views based on the rituals e.g.

    • For Stand-ups: 

      • Filter by: Active Sprint.

      • Group by: Stories, Assignees or PR.

    • For Stakeholder Reporting:

      • Filter by Active and Planning:

      • Select specific Epics.

      • Group by: Projects/Epics.

  4. Setting up reports:

    • Only keep the critical columns visible.

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