Cubyts enables Design teams to templatize their working methods to a great extent. For larger organizations with very specific methods defined for working, Cubyts's standards can really help teams manage and guide their teams, share wisdom, and establish protocols. 

Currently, Cubyts enables the creation of 3 types of standards:

1. Setting Up Your Organization's Design Process Guidelines

(Ideal for projects needing a specific approach or methodology)


Whether it's developing a new module, undertaking exploratory initiatives, conducting research, or

carrying out testing—should your organization adhere to set protocols, or if you find that your practices are consistently effective yet remain informal and not integrated into your workflow, consider utilizing Cubyts Design Process guidelines. This will allow you to formally record these procedures and seamlessly incorporate them into current projects. 

Here is a short video explaining the same:

To create a new design process:

  • Go to; Standards’ and then ‘Processes’
  • Click ‘Add Design Process’
  • Give a name to the new process and add phases to it
  • Create a new project, apply the process 
  • Protip: You can also add templatized activities with best practices as part of your process standards. For this, you can first start by creating standard best practices, link these to activities, and finally add these to the standard process.

Image: The design process tab inside the standards

Image: An open design process, showing the details of an activity with a best practice attached.

2. Standardizing design activities to guide your designers better

 As an organization, you may have discovered the best and the most optimized methods to conduct workshops, research activities, deliveries, handoffs, etc. You can now create activities and define your expectations within these activities. Your team can then use these activities at the time of execution. You can rest assured that the team is aware of the best methods as well as expectations out of activities they perform. 

To create a standard design activity:

  • Go to ‘Standards’ and then ‘Activities’

  • Click ‘Add Activity’ to add a new activity and enter its details

  • To add this activity to a project, go to the project roadmap, and click ‘+New Activity’ in the relevant phase. Start typing the activity and the suggestion from Standards will appear.

Image: The activities  tab inside the standards

Image: An open standard activity showing customizable details and linked best practices.

Image: Applying a standard activity while a design project is in execution

3. Linking best practices to your activities

Utilize your organization's design wisdom by adding any document or link as a best practice to design activities. These will be easily discoverable for your Designers when they are assigned to an activity. If you want to go a step further, at the time of creating standard activities, you can associate best practices once and for all. 

To create and link a best practice:

  • Go to ‘Standards’ and then ‘Best Practices’

  • Click ‘Add Best practice' and upload any document 

  • Link this best practice to a design activity to set it as a standard

  • Alternatively, you can also attach a best practice document when the project has been initiated. To do this:

    • Open any activity 

    • Go to the best practice tab

    • Upload any document from the library or from any other source provided 

Image: The best practices tab inside the standards

Image: Linking a best practice to existing standard activities 

Image: How best practices show up inside an activity in an ongoing project